Disco may be know as the revolution that swept through the 80's, but in fact Disco started in the 70's. The evolution of this craze has developed into what is now known as dance. Although the motivations, costumes, and culture has changed with society, the structure and design remain the same.
Very few credit the 70's for the music culture so ingrained in the youth of today. Club culture has become a standard feature of the contemporary entertainment landscape.
Love Saves the Day, by Tim Lawrence argues that in the beginning of the 1970's, the Loft and the Sanctuary spawned a new mode of DJing and dancing that went to to become the most distinctive cultural ritual of the decade, and current DJing techniques, dance-floor design, and music aesthetics were largely in place by the end of 1979.
A huge reason that disco evolved, at least in the US, was because the war was finally over. People were ready for more upbeat music and needed something to get over the tragedies they had been facing, so the disco music caught on. It's shown in Saturday Night Fever and also in funnier movies, such as Airplane.